To Fluency Podcast: English with Jack

JDA Industries Inc.

Looking for effective English lessons? Join Jack from To Fluency as he gives you English learning advice and detailed lessons to help you improve. Learn key vocabulary, the most powerful ways to learn English, and get the best listening practice so you can start understanding native speakers. If you're looking for an English podcast that will take you to an advanced level, this is for you. read less


31: Learn These Must-Know Phrasal Verbs with GET
31: Learn These Must-Know Phrasal Verbs with GET
In this episode, learn these 10 English phrasal verbs with the word get. See below for the full list. If you want to listen to the episode where we talk about the verb GET, listen to episode 13.Get your free fluency book here: ARE THE PHRASAL VERBS:1. Get away - Go somewhere for a rest/vacation - Let’s try and get away at the end of the month - Escape - They tried to grab him but he got away2. Get away with - To avoid getting caught - something bad - We got away with not paying for the train - I don’t know how he gets away with it3. Get along with / on with - Like each other - have a good chemistry - I think we’re going to get along with each other - He seems to get along with everyone - They didn’t really get along - it’s a shame4 Get around to - To do something that you have intended to do for some time - I haven’t got around to it yet - Have you got around to sending that form?5 Get back (trip) - Arrive home after a trip - I’m super tired today because I got back late last night - When are the Smiths getting back?6 Get back to (return to) - Contact someone later to give information - Could you find someone who can help me with this proposal? - Sure. I’ll ask around and get back to you - To continue doing something that you had started earlier - Okay, gotta go. I need to get back to work7 Get over (fear / recover from - To recover from something - I just can’t seem to get over this cold - Have you got over the loss yet?8 Get rid of (dispose of) - I use this a lot - dispose of something - Should I keep this jacket or just get rid of it? - You didn’t get rid of that pen, did you? - We need to get rid of a lot of stuff9 Get used to (become accustomed to something) - It didn’t take me long to get used to driving on the right side of the road - I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this weather - Keep practicing, you’ll get used to it10 Get up to - Do - What did you get up to at the weekend? - We didn’t get up to much