Top Swiss travel tips for 2024

Holidays to Switzerland Travel Podcast - Plan Your Swiss Vacation

06-02-2024 • 21 Min.

In this episode, Carolyn shares her top 10 Swiss travel tips for 2024. Whether you are a seasoned traveller or it’s your first time visiting Switzerland, these tips will help you to plan, book and experience your dream vacation in Switzerland.

Listen now to learn about:

  • Why you should consider travelling out of peak season
  • When you should book your seat reservations and accommodation
  • Why you should consider buying a travel pass in advance
  • Where to check operating dates for cable cars and mountain railways
  • The benefits of wandering off the well-trodden path
  • Why you should incorporate time for flexibility in your itinerary
  • The importance of purchasing travel insurance
  • Why you should use Holiday to Switzerland resources.

For further information and the full show notes from this episode, visit

>> Take advantage of our exclusive Swiss travel discounts.

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