Fun things to do in the Jungfrau Region with kids

Holidays to Switzerland Travel Podcast - Plan Your Swiss Vacation

27-12-2022 • 32 Min.

In this episode, Carolyn is joined by Isabelle Rapisarda from Jungfrau Region Tourism. Isabelle tells us about the many fun activities that families can enjoy in the region.  From mountain carts and scooter rides, to adventure playgrounds, summer toboggan rides and marble runs, there are plenty of fun things to do in the Jungfrau Region for kids.

Listen now to learn about:

  • Child-friendly activities in the Jungfrau Region
  • Family-friendly excursions and hikes
  • Interactive adventure playgrounds
  • Marble Runs
  • Zip lines,  mountain carts and scooter rides
  • Grindelwald Glacier spider web
  • Mini golf courses in Grindelwald and Wengen
  • Family activities including a dwarf trail at Hasliberg
  • Skiing and sledding for all the family

For further information and the full Show Notes from this episode, visit

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