My name is Dan Francis and I am running for president of the United States. It's time that we bring strength, courage, patience and peace to our country. Are you tired of all the name calling, anger mongering, June's days of the political parties and you're ready for Dan Francis as your president. Listen in as we discuss the issues of today and the solutions at hand. Be sure to subscribe like in comments so that we continually hear the character of America and can reflect your desire for change. read less


Ep:2 The What If's What if you were elected President?
Ep:2 The What If's What if you were elected President?
Visit our website @ DD4P.org What IF a regular citizen could be elected President? It seems impossible, doesn’t it? That a regular citizen with routine problems of living and getting along in America, could even get noticed, let alone have a chance at being elected, as President. The fact that this is framework of thinking is likely true for most of us in America is a concern I want to address. Our Republic was intended to have citizen based government, not a class based or party system, not elites or impoverished, Just citizens, working to put their neighbors and the people of their state in the best possible position relative to the Federal Governments' authority as outlined in The Constitution. Our pathological politics is populated by party selected people who are loyal to the party, not the people of the party. Consequently, the money and attention flows into the pre-selected party person, as opposed to the best candidate. I believe we are not so zoned out by this sickness that we have cultured and protected for far too long. DanDan4POTUS is a campaign that will shine a light on the way we pathologically choose the very people we may consider disconnected from us, the typical American. We allow partisan manipulation of the issues, and division amongst our citizenry based on these partisan declarations. What if we elected a regular person, who can be president, to act as a referee? What if we elected a person who would stand for truth, engage the process with dignity and would never work to destroy others, rather to engage and build rapport? What if you got elected president? What would you do? Would you like to elect someone who is like you, who lives like you, who has a lifestyle like you, can help you get the things you desire? OR Continue in the sickness we currently have created?