Dispelling Myths of Transracial Adoption in Media w/ Dr. Jill L. Creighton


30-04-2024 • 30 Min.

Today’s mini-episode is a conversation with Dr. Jill L. Creighton, a higher education professional and the host of SA Voices from the Field Podcast. She came to talk with us about her experience as a transracial adoptee and how she would like to see adoption represented on film and television.

Also be sure to listen to our other episode on adoption with research sociologist, Gretchen Sisson -- braaainspodcast.com/episodes/adoption

DOWNLOAD THE TRANSCRIPT HERE: https://braaainspodcast.com/s/Braaains-Podcast-EP049-Transcript_-Dispelling-Myths-of-Transracial-Adoption.pdf

Contact us: BraaainsPodcast.com

Follow: @BraaainsPodcast

Music: @_Deppisch_

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