#62 Classic Heart with Bachmann & Scher

Classic Heart | The BMW Group Classic Podcast

Jan 8 2025 • 39 mins

Which vintage clock goes with which classic BMW? JP Rathgen discusses the best styles and the perfect match with Thomas Bachmann and Joram Scher. They take a close look at the BMW Z1, BMW Z8, MINI and Concept BMW Skytop.

Bachmann & Scher on Instagram @bachmannscher

BMW Group Classic on Instagram ⁠@bmwclassic⁠

JP Rathgen and Classic Driver on Instagram ⁠@jprathgen⁠ and ⁠@classicdriver

Do you have an exciting story about classic BMW cars? We'd love to hear it! Send us an email to bmwgroup-classic@shot-one.de with a brief introduction and the remarkable experiences you've had with a classic BMW.

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