Can you afford to get laid off? with Vanessa Wachtmeister from Wander Onwards

Work In Progress

17-04-2024 • 35 Min.

Can you afford getting laid off? Vanessa Wachtmeister is a proud Chicana (American of Mexican descent) who made the move abroad 11 years ago and her first country living abroad was China. Vanessa currently lives in Berlin, Germany working for a Fortune 500 company meanwhile working on her own company, Wander Onwards.

In this episode, we unpack the journey of moving abroad, navigating unexpected twists like getting laid off from your job, embracing neurodiversity, and what to expect when working with Vanessa.

Interested in advertising or be featured on Work In Progress, please reach out to Follow the podcast to take the conversation further with me after the episode is over at Instagram - @workinprogressmedia and subscribe to the podcast on YouTube - @BarbieEstrada.


Track Info Title: Oceanside by Scandinavianz @scandinavianz

Work In Progress is edited by Alejandro Vega and Roberto Garcia Matus.

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