Miller Whitehouse-Levine of Defi Education Fund on DAO regulations

The Lexcon Crypto Show

14-10-2022 • 31 Min.

Miller Whitehouse-Levine of the Defi Education Fund joins Andrew in the studio today to discuss the latest news and activity of the DEF.
1:00 - Miller Whitehouse-Levine provides his background from learning of Bitcoin while visiting China on studies, to how he was part of the Uniswap Dao that started the DEF
8:00 - Miller begins to provide context and background on the Ooki Dao case and the latest news on the judge accepting the Amicus Brief and forcing the CFTC to respond. Miller calls the action by the CFTC one of the most significant regulatory actions in US history.
22:00 Miller says that the fact that the SEC claimed jurisdiction over crypto 8 yrs ago but has since refused to act is a failure on the part of the SEC. That the US has a 3 trillion dollar industry that has largely no regulatory framework is a serious failure.

Listen to the full episode for more details.
You can learn more about the Defi Education Fund here:
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