The Consult Room

The Consult Room

The podcast that celebrates pets and people! Join veterinary surgeon Dr Paul Manktelow as he explores the rich insights and stories about pets in the modern world that we live. Whether you’re a pet owner, a pet professional or you just love hearing about pets then this is the space for you. Join us at Or reach out at read less
Kinder & FamilieKinder & Familie


Where are our Pandemic Puppies Now?
Where are our Pandemic Puppies Now?
In this enlightening episode of The Consult Room, host Dr Paul Manktelow is joined once again by renowned dog behaviourist Nigel Reed, revisiting the pressing issue of pandemic puppies and their behavioural challenges. A couple of years ago, we discussed the potential crisis facing the UK's dogs due to the lockdowns. Today, the latest research from the Royal Veterinary College confirms our fears: behavioural problems in dogs have indeed escalated. Nigel, author of the bestseller The Dog Guardian, shares his invaluable insights into the current state of dog behaviour in the UK, shedding light on the persistence of issues like separation anxiety, reactivity, and the impact of pandemic-induced isolation.  In this episode, we cover: Evolving Behavioural Issues: Insights from recent data on over 2.1 million dogs in the UK facing behavioural challenges post-pandemic. Revisiting Lockdown Effects: Discussion on how the lack of socialisation and the unique conditions of the pandemic lockdowns have left a lasting impact on dog behaviour. Behavioural Trends: Nigel Reed revisits the primary issues identified in pandemic puppies, including separation anxiety, reactivity to other dogs, and people. Leadership in Dog Training: Nigel discusses the concept of leadership in dog ownership, emphasising the balance between nurture and authority. Behavioural Solutions: Practical advice for dog owners on recognizing and addressing problematic behaviours early on. The Role of Dog Owners: Exploring how the changing relationship between dogs and owners over the years has influenced canine behaviour. Societal and Behavioural Insights: A broader look at how societal changes and attitudes towards dog training are reflecting deeper cultural shifts. Long-term Implications: Predictions and thoughts on the future of dog behaviour and training in the wake of the pandemic. Dive deep with us as we explore the multifaceted world of dog psychology, owner dynamics, and the evolving challenges faced by our four-legged friends in a post-pandemic era. The Consult Room is a space that celebrates pets and people, offering professional insights and pet support to a wide audience of pet-lovers, pet owners and veterinary professionals. Visit us at ⁠⁠ or reach out at ⁠⁠ for more information and support.
Vets Under Pressure: The Toll of the XL Bully Ban
Vets Under Pressure: The Toll of the XL Bully Ban
In this thought-provoking episode of The Consult Room, we explore the contentious XL Bully ban that has stirred considerable debate across the veterinary and animal welfare sectors. With the legislation now in effect, making it illegal to own, breed, rehome, or sell an XL Bully without specific exemptions, the repercussions are vast and varied. This episode aims to dissect the emotional and practical implications of the ban and how it has impacted the veterinary sector. In this episode, we discuss: Introduction to the Ban: Understanding the reasons behind the swift introduction of the XL Bully ban, including public safety concerns and the legislative response to high-profile dog attacks. Personal Experience and Perspective: Insights from a veterinary charity sector leader on the emotional weight and complex outcomes of breed-specific legislation. Impact on the Veterinary Sector: The surge in caseloads and the logistical hurdles facing veterinary clinics. Ethical quandaries over euthanizing healthy animals and the veterinarian's role in legislation enforcement. Operational challenges, including staff shortages and resource allocation in response to the ban. Emotional Toll and Mental Health: The psychological impact on veterinarians tasked with euthanizing healthy animals, the distress of pet owners, and available support networks. The Consult Room is a space that celebrate pets and people, offering professional insights and pet support to a wide audience of pet-lovers, pet owners and veterinary professionals. Visit us at ⁠⁠ or reach out at ⁠⁠ for more information and support.
Is the Veterinary Profession in the Depths of a Mental Health Crisis?
Is the Veterinary Profession in the Depths of a Mental Health Crisis?
Is the veterinary profession in the depths of a mental health crisis? With media headlines highlighting industry burnout, dropout and suicide, it would appear so! But what’s the truth behind these headlines and do they help - or harm? In this series 3 podcast from The Consult Room, Dr Paul Manktelow seeks to find answers and share support, alongside veterinary expert Rosie Allister, esteemed lecturer, international speaker and published author, who has dedicated over 10 years on this very issue.  Listen and learn more about: What’s behind concerns about mental health in the veterinary industry? The specific harm that negative narratives can cause to already-stressed veterinary professionals. External influences which have had a huge impact on all veterinary practice - including Brexit, Covid, Corporate takeover and the massive surge in pet ownership. Why negative narratives have a cause-and-effect when it comes to low numbers in recruitment and retention. Why the unrealistic expectations and lack of understanding from some pet owners'  and baseless, vindictive complaints contribute to stress - and even suicide. The awful impact of ‘vet-bashing’ and online abuse - and how this affects all veterinary professionals. The statistics around suicide in the profession and the importance of striking a balance in what we talk about - and how we talk about it. The podcast also shares where to find help as Rosie shares more information about the charity Vetlife and how this is literally a lifeline for veterinary professionals. And pet owners can get involved and help too! We’re a compassionate profession which puts pets first, so please help us by showing some compassion for our colleagues. The Consult Room is a space that celebrates pets and people, offering professional insights and pet support to a wide audience of pet-lovers, pet owners and veterinary professionals. Join us at or reach out at
Are We Heading Towards an Antibiotics Apocalypse?
Are We Heading Towards an Antibiotics Apocalypse?
Are we heading towards an antibiotics apocalypse?  Antibiotic-resistant bacteria has been a hot topic in the world of human medicine for years and it’s now recognised that the pet healthcare sector contributes to this problem. However the veterinary industry, vets and pet owners are also a huge part of the solution - as long as we all know what action to take.  So this series 3 podcast from The Consult Room is all about getting the message out there as Dr Paul Manktelow explores the issue with Fergus Allerton, a highly respected figure in the veterinary sector and a driving force in the fight against antibiotic resistance.  Listen and learn more about: How AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance) threatens us all and ranks among the WHO’s top ten global health public health threats. The problems overuse of antibiotics can cause. Why antibiotics aren’t always the most effective treatment for treating certain conditions - and can sometimes cause bigger problems for poorly pets. How complex the decision-making process is for vets treating pets - and how owners can help by understanding more about antibiotics. Why the vet industry is working together with the world of human medicine to address the wider issues of AMR and environmental impact. How the PROTECT ME campaign started and its purpose in helping vets to make decisions which also support human health. How inappropriate disposal of antibiotics assists the rise in resistant bacteria. November’s Antibiotics Amnesty - how you can get involved now and for the future. The Consult Room is a space that celebrates pets and people, offering professional insights and pet support to a wide audience of pet-lovers, pet owners and veterinary professionals. Join us at or reach out at
My First Year as Chief Vet at Blue Cross
My First Year as Chief Vet at Blue Cross
In this episode, Dr Paul Manktelow shares his thoughts on a recent special event - being in post as Director of Veterinary Services at Blue Cross for a whole year already! When this popped up on his timeline, Paul received lots of congratulations and many enquiries with that burning question ‘how’s it going?” So there are no guests in the podcast this time around. Instead, settle in for a solo episode as Dr Paul shares his thoughts, insights and experiences about his first year at Blue Cross. In his personal celebration of a whole year at Blue Cross, Dr Paul highlights: How the pandemic, cost of living crisis and war in Ukraine have continued to have an impact on his new role at Blue Cross. That recognising people as the heart of the organisation is at the heart of his leadership - and he shares the importance of this when it comes to planning. Why ‘back to the floor’ days are his most recommended way for leaders to learn about all aspects of their organisation - and the teams that work inside them. Why getting people to ‘stay in their lanes’ is one of Paul’s favourite phrases and how it’s been a real focus in his first year. How focusing on wellbeing in the veterinary industry is having a positive impact on recruitment and retention at Blue Cross. Dr Paul also reveals what’s been achieved in this first year, what’s currently in development and exciting information about what’s coming next. Whether your interest in Dr Paul is as a pet professional, a pet owner or a pet lover, to stay updated with new podcasts, please SUBSCRIBE and visit
How I Ended Up With A Bra Full Of Puppies… And Other ‘Tails’ From Animal A&E
How I Ended Up With A Bra Full Of Puppies… And Other ‘Tails’ From Animal A&E
In this episode, Dr Paul Manktelow is joined by Annie Clark, Emergency and Critical Care Veterinary Nurse for over 15 years, for some behind the scenes insights into their experiences of working in veterinary emergencies.  Paul and Annie share thoughts on how the system for out-of-hours emergency pet care has changed in the years since they qualified and they swap some amazing stories which reveal some of the best, most varied and definitely unexpected aspects of pet emergency care.  Topics include: What’s great about working in emergency care and why most vets don’t want to do it anymore The switch to outsourced emergency care at night - better for rotas but worse for skill sharpening? The ‘rite of passage’ night shifts which used to greet new pet health professionals when starting out in vet practice. What’s so special - and different - about teamwork in animal A&E. Plus you’ll hear about a variety of hilarious real-life cases which include:  A foul-mouthed nipple biting parrot A frog emergency in which the police had to get involved How Annie ended up with a bra full of puppies The puppy that transformed into a completely new species of animal The Consult Room is a space that celebrates pets and people, offering professional insights and pet support to a wide audience of pet-lovers, pet owners and veterinary professionals. Join us at or reach out at
Ukraine the Abandoned Pets of War
Ukraine the Abandoned Pets of War
In today’s episode, Dr Paul Manktelow talks about another shocking reality about the war in Ukraine. As well as the huge humanitarian crisis, the sheer number of innocent pets abandoned in Ukraine could also lead to a looming public health and animal welfare crisis. To explore these less-reported consequences of the war and the work of the animal charities involved, Paul speaks with Greg Tully, Country Director of Save the Dogs & Other Animals. The discussion includes talking about animals in desperate circumstances that some listeners may find upsetting.  Listen along to learn: How the hard work of animal charities supports not only the pets but the people of Ukraine. Why fleeing Ukrainian families have had to abandon their pets inside Ukraine and at the border and how Save the Dogs is helping. The risks of an unfolding public health health and animal welfare crisis if action and prevention of disease can’t be funded. About the type of help needed by pets and the people of Ukraine who are remaining in war zones in order to look after them. Heartwarming examples of why pets are prioritised by people living in war zones. About the difference donations can make to people and pets by funding the projects put in place to help them.  The Consult Room is a space that celebrates pets and people, offering information and sharing support for pet-lovers and owners. Join us at or reach out at
When Is It Time To Let Them Go?
When Is It Time To Let Them Go?
In today’s episode we are talking about a subject that nobody wants to talk about but that all pet owners will eventually have to face. We all want our pets to live forever but the reality is that at some point most of us will have to make the difficult decision as to when to let our pets go. In today's episode Dr Paul Manktelow is joined by Annie Clark, a veterinary nurse with over 15 years of experience in emergency critical care. Annie also works with Paul at Home Goodbye, a home euthanasia service in London where she also offers support and compassion to pet owners facing end of life decisions for their pets. Just a heads up this episode contains discussions around grief and pet bereavement which some listeners may find upsetting Topics in this episode:  What it is about this decision that pet owners struggle with. Why, we as pet owners, feel such responsibility and guilt. Is it harder for first time pet owners to make this decision vs those that have had pets before? How vets face the decision for their own pets. Facing loss and death for what it is. The different types of grief experienced in pet loss. How grief differs for pet loss after an accident vs a long term illness. How to identify and assess changes to your pets quality of life. The role personal circumstances can play when making that difficult decision. The benefits of home euthanasia.   The Consult Room is a space that celebrates pets and people.  Join us at or reach out at
Grief, loss & bereavement. The UK helpline for heart-broken pet owners
Grief, loss & bereavement. The UK helpline for heart-broken pet owners
In today’s episode we are talking to the phenomenal Diane James, who heads up the Pet Bereavement Support Service at Blue Cross, leading a team of volunteers who help over 28,000 pet owners a year, supporting them through their grief following the loss of a pet. As a leading UK expert on bereavement, Diane is able to explain the huge impact that the loss of a pet can have on us, and give some really practical advice on how to deal with our grief. This vital service is literally life-saving and supports people who are often at their lowest ebb. On this episode of The Consult Room we would like to advise caution as some listeners may find conversations about pet grief difficult or upsetting. However, you are not alone, and hearing about this great service and the people behind it, may indeed help you with your own personal experience. Topics in this episode: The evolution of the Blue Cross Pet Bereavement Support Service The different types of bereavement pet owners can face from death, rehoming and the unresolved loss of theft. Why people pick up the phone to the helpline The grief cycle and the emotions experienced that are unique to pet loss How the pandemic and cost of living crisis has changed the the calls to the helpline Real life stories and experiences of callers to the helpline How can vets help pet owners with loss after euthanasia The services that Blue Cross offer to support professionals dealing with pet bereavement Managing the feelings of guilt surrounding pet euthanasia Insight into the volunteers of the pet bereavement service. The Consult Room is a space that celebrates pets and people. Join Dr Paul Manktelow at or reach out at If you are struggling with the loss of a pet you can contact the Blue Cross Pet Bereavement Support Service from 8.30am until 8.30pm either on the phone on 0800 096 6606 or via their webchat support service on the Blue Cross website,
The Dog Guardian
The Dog Guardian
Today’s episode is all about dog behaviour and I am super excited to reintroduce Nigel Reed. Nigel was our first ever guest on The Consult Room podcast with our most popular episode ever ‘Is the UK heading for a Dog Behaviour Crisis?'.  Nigel has dedicated his whole life and career to improving the lives of dogs through better communication, and by helping owners to understand the language that their dogs speak. Nigel is also known as 'The Dog Guardian' and he regularly appears on TV, radio and Youtube where his channel has had millions of views. His book titled ‘The Dog Guardian’ was an instant Amazon best seller. Nigel was founder of the hugely innovative Wolf Within Project and over the years he’s worked with 1000’s of owners, including some very high profile celebrities. Topics in this episode: Nigel’s fascinating career and how he became The Dog Guardian.What dog behaviour can tell us about our own behaviour?Why the relationship with our dogs should be nurturing and parenting.The need to get to the root cause of dog behaviour is better than simply training it out...Lessons in leadership from working with dogs.The Wolf Within Project : What teenagers with problem behaviours can learn from training problem dogs.Why failure in dog behaviour is more about the people than the dogs.Are dog behaviour training camps a good idea?Common dog behavioural problems. The Consult Room is a space that celebrates pets and people. Join Paul Manktelow at or reach out at If you want to find out more about Nigel and his incredible work check out or check out his YouTube channel
Why we need to DNA test our dogs… and Rodney’s big reveal!
Why we need to DNA test our dogs… and Rodney’s big reveal!
In today’s episode we are exploring the world of dog DNA, genetics and canine ancestry.  I’m practically bursting with excitement as in this show we do a live reveal with Rodney’s DNA results. These results have been fiercely guarded by Georgina Richardson the Head of UK for Kinship, the innovation division of Mars Petcare. One of their products is Wisdom Panel™, the world's most accurate DNA test for dogs. Despite being so excited we still manage to explore the science of DNA testing and how it can help us all to be better and more informed pet parents. Topics in this episode: The history of DNA  and how the human genome project has paved the way for dog DNA mapping.Why are dogs so fascinating to us as humans?Understanding your dog's breed mix and how this can help you to care for your dog.The importance of genetic diversity within dog! Connecting with long lost doggy relatives within the wisdom database of over 3 million dogs. Success stories!Looking at genetic health risks and complications which could impact on your dogs health and how you can help treat or even prevent these.Your dog's traits; what you can expect from your dog's physical appearance and demystifying some of what you might already know. How can this information help you care for your dog?What is the biggest motivation to get a DNA test for your dog?The science behind the methods for doggy DNA testing!Rodney's BIG DNA reveal!The future of dog genetics at Wisdom and what this could mean for our dogs. The Consult Room is a space that celebrates pets and people. Join Paul Manktelow at or reach out at If you want to find out more about Wisdom DNA or reveal more about your own dog's roots and genetics check out