Manual for Courts Martial Audiobook

Manual for Courts Marshall AUDIOBOOK

30-06-2021 • 8 Min.

PART 1 - Preamble This is an audio file of the manual.  This title does not have a commercial sponsor.  If you would like to sponsor this podcast, let us know at If you would like us to upload additional chapters, please let us know which title and consider becoming a patron at The Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM) is the official guide to the conduct of courts-martial in the United States military. An Executive Order of the President of the United States, the MCM details and expands on the military law established in the statute Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The MCM contains five parts plus 22 appendices: Part I is the Preamble, which gives background and jurisdictional information Part II explains the Rules for Courts-martial (Rules 101 through 1307) Part III lays out the Military Rules of Evidence (Rules 101 through 1103) Part IV sets forth the elements and punishments of offenses (Punitive Articles, paragraphs 101 through