Carol Schatz

Enthusiastically Los Angeles

18-08-2020 • 1 Std. 13 Min.

The 24/7 Downtown Los Angeles we know now didn't happen by accident.  And it didn't happen without a lot of hard work.  And one of the hardest workers and most consequential leaders who helped make that happen was Carol Schatz - now widely recognized as the unofficial "Queen of Downtown".  As the longtime head of the Central City Association, Carol helped make sure that Staples Center actually faced *towards* Downtown. She helped pass the policies that allowed for the conversion of older buildings to condos and apartments.  She even fought for real nightlife options (putting the "24" in 24/7).  For all that and more, Carol is arguably on the Mount Rushmore of the new Downtown LA.

But for everything people know about Carol, there's a lot that they probably don't.  Like the fact that she majored in "Revolution" at UC Berkeley.  Or that she was smack in the middle of the savings and loan crisis of the 80s.  Or that she was actually passed over for the CEO role at CCA two times - because nobody could imagine giving it to a woman - before finally getting the job, with an assist from Mayor Riordan.

How did Downtown happen?  Listen to this episode to find out.