The Gods are Dead

Into The dungeon

Over 1,000 years ago disaster struck the world. As the skies turned red and the earth quaked, not even the gods could save us. Our prayers were no longer answered as Clerics lost their power to heal and Paladins lost their courage. The world fell into darkness and ruin while the monsters found a world were they no longer needed to hide. A wasteland stood beneath our feet as we started again. Using the broken pieces of a forgotten world and magic, civilizations rose and people/monsters alike started to prosper. The gods of the old world are found as pieces and there are still those whom believe they hold power and can guide us. Most believe we can guide ourselves and the dead Gods of the old world are best left forgotten. As we survived and they did not. read less


The Rats Among Us | The Gods are Dead | DND5e | Ep. 1
The Rats Among Us | The Gods are Dead | DND5e | Ep. 1
This EpisodeWhat if there were no gods? What if they died or turned their backs on the world to save themselves?1325 years since any prayers have been answered. 1325 years since temples and churches opened their doors. 1325 years ago the gods battled over supremacy for the world and in the process destroyed themselves. Those that survived hid themselves away to survive. In the year Bedlam, 1325, the heavens were ablaze in fire and the land filled with blood. As the gods fought and died, the people lost their resolution. Churches and temples shut their doors as no cleric was able to heal the sick and wounded and Paladins lost the fight within them.Desperation clawed at every man, woman and child and as the garish sun faded behind dark clouds and ash, monsters began patrolling for prey.On the 300th year anniversary of Bedlam the world finds itself whole again. Many races have been able to find new prosperous lives while others have not adjusted so well or died out entirely. The monsters that once overwhelmed the crumbling world have mostly made peace with the beings they once preyed upon. It has been long enough since the death of gods that many facts have twisted into fantastical stories and much fiction has become the truth. Some do not even believe beings like gods ever existed and some believe they are not all gone.What is The Gods are Dead?This show is meant to be enjoyed episodically. Every episode is a one shot featuring the same cast and same world. As the plot of each episode unfolds, so to do the greater mysteries of the season.We will try to keep each episode under two hours and try to never split an episode in to parts. However, these stories are completely improvised by the players and the DM may get off track. That is okay and encouraged we DMs can improvise too.Cast and Crew!Dungeon Master: MeghanO'Cire: Or'RinTerry Ten-Toes: GregChar: MarindaThe Lord of Edge: MatthewProduction: Justin PowellSupport The Show!Please take a moment to support the show!Supporting our shows is quick and easy! There are two exceptional ways to support the show:Word of Mouth - This means so much to us and is the single best way to bring more people to what we are doing.Sharing us with your friends is a sign of trust in us the we cherish. Thank you.Patreon - Supporting us on Patreon literally helps us keep the lights on. These pledges go straight to covering costs of hosting, producing, software, cameras, and microphones. These direct injections of money to our business lets us grow exponentially. Thank youThank you so much to all of our supporters
We are One PT.2 | The Gods are Dead | Ep.6
We are One PT.2 | The Gods are Dead | Ep.6
Enter Aizendore’s Vault of Tragic Treasure if you dare… Aizendore's Vault of Tragic Treasures is a 300-page source book packed with lore, adventure, and over 300+ magic items with a twist, including cursed items, artifacts, and treasure that will prompt epic stories at your table. ************************************************************************* Today's Episode: After travelling for over a month our party arrives in Chars homeland. It is said that 300 years ago, in the year Bedlam, Divine Magic died. There were temples and churches to Gods and they suddenly closed their doors forever. All we know is we have no record of prayers being answered. “Monsters” then took advantage of this power vacuum and began their hunt. Now the races that supposedly made war against the world have become peaceful…mostly. Some people do not believe Gods ever existed and Divine Magic is a myth. Some people believe the Gods are not all gone. We are scrappers just trying to survive. Whatever you believe, the result is the same. We are on our own. **************************************************************** Music in this episode is provided by: Tabletop Audio - *********************************************************** Cast and Crew: Dungeon Master: Meghan Terry Ten Toes: Greg Char: Marinda Edge: Matthew O'Cire: Or'Rin Executive Producer: Meghan Executive Producer: Justin Camera and Audio: Justin Check out Get the Episode! Google // Apple // Spotify // Youtube or add it to your RSS Feed: Support the Show on Patreon Into the Dungeon isn’t owned by anyone else, it’s just us making it for all of you, so as long as you want to keep listening to the show, we will keep making it. It means a whole lot to me, so thank you all so much.
The Fall of Netheril | The Tome of Dungeoneering | ITD | Ep. 4 - The Tome of Dungeoneering
The Fall of Netheril | The Tome of Dungeoneering | ITD | Ep. 4 - The Tome of Dungeoneering
Discover the history and secrets of a fallen empire, Netheril, in this reading from The Tome of Dungeoneering. Katie introduces the lore and explores ways you can homebrew the once-glorious realm in your game.  Episode Transcript: Site: www.TheToDPodcast.comBlog: Tome of Dungeoneering is a podcast focused on tabletop roleplaying, produced by Into The Dungeon Studios in Atlanta, GA. We aim to be system agnostic, covering a wealth of topics from across all of tabletop gaming. Our hosts take turns using a unique combination of narrative voices, inclusivity, the Rule of Cool, and homebrew to bring you content that you can implement into your games. If you like our content and want to support our show, please consider becoming a patron over at By: Katie PatrickRecorded By: Into The Dungeon Studios LLCAudio Engineer: Ben Kruegar | made available by: theme: Finding the Truth by Cody MartinCode: KTYSSULJZQGHWCPEOpening Song: Camargue by Alice In WinterCode: T5ZYRICWTROGV6NP-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SourcesAnauroch: The Empire of Shade by Greg A. Vaughan, Skip Williams, Thomas M. Reid Lost Empires of Faerûn by Richard Baker, Ed Bonny, Travis StoutNetheril: Empire of Magic (The Winds of Netheril) by slade, James ButlerHow the Mighty Are Fallen by slade, James Butler