Simon Duggal - a huge track record, total recall, amazing stories

Lives in Music

27-03-2020 • 37 Min.

Simon Duggal, with his brother Diamond Duggal, is a hugely influential producer, promoter and now record label manager.

They may not be that well known to you, but they work worldwide across as many genres as they can handle.

Like Ruby Turner, Steel Pulse and Apache Indian, they started out in Handsworth, Birmingham. Their own brand, Swami, is massive worldwide. On top of that, they have their very own 'Oh Brother Where are Thou' style breakout hit. That's before we get on to Shania Twain...

For videos, links and extensive background information, see also the companion blog piece 'A Life In Music - Simon  Duggal' on the Radio To Go blog.

Lives in Music

The Lives in Music series celebrates people who have spent a lifetime in music. They may be famous; they may be people who have spent their lives working in the background for the love of it. But they all have stories.

The intro and outro music in this series comes from the great bass player Mike Hatton, who you can hear interviewed in series 1, here. 'Everything Changes' is included in his excellent 2019 album 'Bassic Salvation'.


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