Roy Adams. HOW many bands? Difficult to tell...

Lives in Music

14-02-2020 • 29 Min.

In this edition I'm talking with Roy Adams, who is a beast of a drummer with excellent taste across a wide variety of styles.

It's tricky to list all the bands Roy currently plays with. He simply loves to play. You'll find him playing, with a huge smile on his face, in a bar with 50 people watching... or at a mega venue in front an audience of thousands in one of his two major gigs. He's held down the drum chair at Climax Blues Band for 35 years. For the rest, listen on: you'll know the names of some, if not all.

To learn more about the music, or the musicians mentioned in this podcast, head to the companion Radio To Go blog post. 'A Life in Music: Roy Adams', which you can find at Everything that Roy touches on is linked there so you can explore to your hearts content.

Roy's a busy man. We had to scrap around to find time to record, but I'm glad we did. The story starts, as with so many of the boomers in this series, with the fab four.

Links to the music can be found on the Radio To Go blog, on the companion blog post: A Life In Music: Roy Adams

The Lives in Music series celebrates people who have spent a lifetime in music. They may be famous; they may be people who have spent their lives working in the background for the love of it. But they all have stories.

The intro and outro music in this series comes from the great bass player Mike Hatton, who you can hear interviewed in series 1, here. 'Everything Changes' is included in his excellent 2019 album 'Bassic Salvation'.


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