Tom Hyland: Lockdown - Everything's crushed. Time to hustle.

Lives in Music

08-04-2021 • 22 Min.

I first met Tom Hyland, when he was strutting his guitar stuff with an early version of the now long gone but much-loved Alternative Dubstep Orchestra. I've followed Tom since, first on my blog about the risky steps of going fully pro with Electric Swing Circus, as he dove head-first into Electro Swing. From the band came his Birmingham-based festival, Swingamajig, a record label, and a host of collaborations.

And then lockdown hit us, There's a twist to this series of Lives in Music. We're all stuck in lockdown, and so I am asking each guest about how it affect them. Tom has been hugely pro-active is taking some steps forward, from setting up a Crowdfunder to cover some studio costs, to collaborations recorded in a fabled Moseley Birmingham venue which currently can't host music events. Some very interesting approaches seem to be emerging, as you'll hear.

A chat with Tom always throws up lots of references. To follow these. best to double-check the companion Radio To go blogpost, which you can find here.

A footnote: the intro and outro flourishes I'm using in this series of Lives in Music podcast come from Vo Fletcher who is featured in this series, along with Loz Kingsley, here. I asked him for a bit of live impro, and this was the result.

The Lives in Music Podcast series has been running for about two years now. These are interviews with local musicians, looking at how music has shaped them throughout their lives. Series 3
also looks hard at how lockdown has had an impact. There are some lovely stories. To see all the artists, here's a link to every episode.