Renny Jackson: from Birmingham to Sevilla

Lives in Music

11-03-2021 • 26 Min.

I put most of this Lives in Music podcast episode together on the fifth anniversary of the death of a mutual friend, the great Paul Murphy, who both introduced me to Renny Jackson, and encouraged us in our different projects.

One of the things Paul had me do on his Thursday Song Writers Cafe nights was to interview each artist about their own creative process. Everyone , it turned out had a different approach. And I talked at length with Renny Jackson, originally from Birmingham, before he delivered a charming and articulate set. And this Lives in Music Episode focuses on Renny.

There's a twist to this series of Lives in Music. We're all stuck in lockdown, and so I am asking each guest about how it affect them. Now, as you'll hear, Renny is now based in Sevilla in Spain, where the oranges come from. The two influences come together in Renny's music. Obviously, we recorded our conversation remotely. Renny's take on the lockdown in Spain is an interesting variation on what problems face musicians in the UK. We'll also hear the impact Spain has had on this Brit.

A footnote: the intro and outro flourishes I'm using in this series of Lives in Music podcast come from Vo Fletcher who is featured in this series along with Loz Kinsgley, here. I asked him for a bit of live impro, and this was the result.

The Lives in Music Podcast series has been running for about two years now. These are interviews with local musicians, looking at how music has shaped them throughout their lives. Series 3
also looks hard at how lockdown has had an impact. There are some lovely stories. To see all the artists, here's a link to every episode.