Detroit's most polluted zip code

League of Women Voters Washtenaw County

22-01-2022 • 1 Std. 21 Min.

Dr. Edwards was born in South Wales, UK, and received his PhD in Atmospheric Chemistry from the University of Leicester, UK. He did postdoctoral research work at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, CO and Purdue University in Indiana. Now an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Eastern Michigan University, he is part of a research group that measures both air quality, and the factors that influence it. His group is passionate about analyzing the quality of the air all citizens are exposed to, both in the Detroit urban corridor, and around the state of Michigan. They are engaged in ongoing efforts to build long term data-sets on how ozone and other gases are changing in concentration due to climate change, legislative policies and other factors

Watch this program on YouTube: 48217

Smogtown: The lung-burning history of pollution of Los Angeles by Chip Jacobs

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson