Seifras Haomer With Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

Sefiras Haomer in Depth With Rabbi Mendel Kaplan read less
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Fortnite Festival #6 of Counting Days
Fortnite Festival #6 of Counting Days
COUNTING DAYS is a text-based Gemara mini-series focused on the Mitzvah of Sefirat Ha"Omer, the annual Post-Passover Counting of Days that leads us up to Shavuot -- the holiday commemorating the Giving of the Torah. The series began with the Reaping of fresh Barley for the firstling grain offering called The Omer, the eponymous source for our national count-up commandment. Tractate Menachot, Page 65b -- FORTNITE FESTIVAL continues with the presentation of two more persuasive demonstrations as to the veracity of time-honoured Torah tradition regarding timing for Omer Counting. The focus will be on Pilgrim Holiday Scheduling and Calendrical Calculations. In this Episode, we will study the concluding arguments [of this four-part segment] of the Sages regarding the proper time to begin Sefirat Ha’Omer, the commandment to Count Days upon bringing a Firstling Grain Gift to G-d to schedule the immediate next Festival: Shavuot! Here, even greater clarity will be obtained by virtue of the Torah’s juxtaposition on the unique biblical terminology used to describe the proverbial Omer Offering alongside the Giant Breads of Pentecost. Comprising yet another ironclad proof of our Torah- true tradition about for the timing of this Mitzvah, this further defends us from the theological attacks of ancient Heretical Jewish Sects. To be sure, while these spiritual deviants have long ago faded into historical irrelevance, their heretical notions have continued to evolve and metastasize n in new, equally toxic forms of deviant theology -- even today! This sixth segment of the series -- entitled FORTNITE FESTIVAL -- on Sefirat Ha'Omer has been generously sponsored by Felix and Rita Zilnik to commemorate the Yahrzeit Rita’s father Yona ben David.
Count On Me
Count On Me
COUNTING DAYS is a text-based Gemara mini-series focused on the Mitzvah of Sefirat Ha"Omer, the annual Post-Passover Counting of Days that leads us up to Shavuot -- the holiday commemorating the Giving of the Torah. The series began with the Reaping of fresh Barley for the firstling grain offering called The Omer, the eponymous source for our national count-up commandment. Tractate Menachot, Page 65b -- COUNT ON ME highlights the competing units of time created by the orbit of the heavenly luminary's vs the segments ordained by sunrise and sunset -- comprising an unchanging increment of days and nights. In this Episode we are continuing the analysis of the Torah’s precise biblical terminology about the sanctification of Rosh Chodesh, and the sanctification of Shavuot. By method of the Thirteen Hermeneutical Principals, seemingly unrelated Mitzvot are fused in common legality. This illuminates the timing of the unique commandment to Count Days upon bringing a Firstling Grain Gift to G-d. This leads to an unmistakable Torah truth about our tradition for the timing of this Mitzvah as our Sages continue to demonstrate the veracity of our sacred unbroken traditions, thereby defending them from theological challenges put forward by an ancient Heretical Jewish Sect. While these specific Sects have long ago ceased to exist, their heretical notions continue to live on - even in this post-modern era. Out of the challenges launched by these detractors, came a flowering and profusion of Torah insight. Vastly transcending their historical necessity, these ideas and discoveries went on to remain an important part of our inspired Torah tradition. This fifth segment of the series entitled COUNTING DAYS on Sefirat Ha'Omer has been generously sponsored by Michelle Kahn Celebrating the life of her brother Meechael Kalman Ben Tzvi Mordechai (z”l) on his Yahrtzeit, Rosh Chodesh Iyar.
TOM’S TALMUD TISCH: Tractate Menachot on Sefirat Ha’Omer. | - COUNTING DAYS is a text based Genara mini-series focused on the Mitzvah of Sefirat Ha"Omer, the annual Post-Passover Counting of Days that leads us up to Shavuot -- the holiday commemorating the Giving of the Torah. This in-depth series began with the Reaping of fresh Barley for the firstling fresh grain offering known as the Omer. This offering is the eponymous source for the name of our national count-up commandment. Tractate Menachot, Page 65a - DAYS OF GLORY | Torah Triumphs on Antiquity: Conflicts and Victories that shaped Jewish Life, Religious Observance, and the course of History! In Part Two, we are introduced to Megillat Taanit, a fascinating compendium of special dates once observed by our people – back in the Second Temple (just before the rise of the Common) Era. Discover forgotten spiritual struggles and successes and learn how the anniversaries of these miraculous victories were once celebrated. And while we no longer observe these eventful dates, they marked major happenings that continue to impact Jewish life and influence our fulfilment of Torah and Mitzvot. This class analyzes two of many major disputes that once rocked the Jewish world. As history repeats itself; learning its lessons can provide valuable insight about the continued struggle between Torah Judaism and non-Halachic pseudo-religious Jewish movements. See the inherent and vast distinction between the true light of our sacred Mesorah (authentic, faith-based Torah tradition) and its pale reflection in humanly manufactured theology. Perhaps most instructive of all is how these underlying issues were resolved! This is the second Episode of the series entitled COUNTING DAYS on Sefirat Ha'Omer.