Justin Strekal Jumps In The Rotation

The Rotation

14-01-2024 • 1 Std. 27 Min.

From 2016-2021, Justin was the federal lobbyist for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), the nation's largest and longest-running marijuana advocacy group. Prior to joining NORML, Justin served as a legislative aide in the Virginia State Senate, where he drafted the first marijuana reform legislation introduced in the chamber, a precursor to the Commonwealth legalizing marijuana in 2021. In addition to his policy reform efforts, Justin has more than a decade of electoral campaign experience, managing federal, state, and local races across the country. He currently runs Better Organizing to Win Legalization / BOWL PAC to bring together political actors of all stripes to unite for comprehensive marijuana policy reform at the federal level. He is additionally a partner at the firms Useful Strategies and Unfiltered Media.