ZINE: The Radio Show


The ZINE Radio Show is a Demoscene Podcast from and for sceners, and everyone curious about one of the oldest but still very lively digital art cultures. Every month Axel, Okkie and Ziphoid share the latest news and trivia and invite interesting guests for deep-dives into the many disciplines and communities in and around the demoscene. read less


#29 - Gimmicks and Satire in Demos with jco
#29 - Gimmicks and Satire in Demos with jco
Whether it is to divert expectations, provoke, bend the rules or simply have a good time and be creative: humour, satire and gimmicks are a long-standing tradition in the demoscene. But is there more to it than just blatant knee-slappers and cheap audience-pleasing? Does humour free oneself from too many expectations and limitations? Or is it limiting in its own ways? With the topic so close to his own heart, okkie chats with jco, who has been leaving audiences somewhere between laughing and confused about story-driven productions with characters such as Kevin and Evilbot, all while also developing impressive tool chains and technologically apt productions that don't have to hide behind the absurdity... or do they? Productions and Demosceners mentioned: ps’ Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjxyPjW-DeNVaQ0nwU3azdhpCOVYDnK2z jco’s Demozoo page: https://demozoo.org/sceners/1981/ Winner Demo: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=12029 Sidlove by North Star & Razor 1911: https://demozoo.org/productions/252347/ Kickreset Intro by Razor 1911: https://demozoo.org/productions/46129/ Limp Ninja: https://demozoo.org/groups/5355/ Spacepigs: https://demozoo.org/groups/6156/ Cocoon’s Demo Glon243: https://demozoo.org/productions/58093/ Widdy’s Demozoo page: https://demozoo.org/sceners/7134/  Archee’s Demozoo page: https://demozoo.org/sceners/3718/ Losso’s Demozoo page: https://demozoo.org/sceners/6777/ Logicoma’s Wrecklamation: https://demozoo.org/music/185107/ Parties mentioned: TRSAC (Acid and Gabber Music Compo): https://demozoo.org/parties/4489/ Kindergarden (Gabber Music Compo): https://demozoo.org/parties/2209/ Underground Conference: https://uc12.party/index.html Boozedrome: http://dekadence64.org/boozedrome/ Other resources:  KLF’s “How to make a number-one hit the easy way”: http://klf.de/home/publication/manual-number-one-easy-way/
#23 - For Easter is a Sceners Christmas with Steeler
#23 - For Easter is a Sceners Christmas with Steeler
25 years ago in Northern Germany, an Amiga/C64 demoparty called "Symposium" and a PC demoparty called "Mekka" decided to merge into one common demoscene event on Easter, bringing the home computer and PC demoscene under one roof - Something almost unthinkable at the time. This was the beginning of a tradition that was eventually carried on by Breakpoint and resulted in Revision, the world's biggest pure demoparty. Ah, the kids we were...! But wait, what about kids today? In the second half of the episode, we explore how kids perceive the digital world today, how they enter it, concepts and pitfalls of current media education, and if the demoscene can still be relevant for this generation. So what better time of the year to invite Steeler, orga of Mekka & Symposium as well as a media education advisor these days, looking all the way from the 1980s and compare it to the next generation's approach to creativity and tinkering. Lean back and get ready for a MASSIVE episode! Links in the episode: Revision Satellites Demoparty: https://2022.revision-party.net/Axel's Basel Film Music Festival https://www.basel-film.com/PS' Demoscene Report https://www.youtube.com/c/psenoughDemoscene Outreach Tour 2007: https://demotrip.blogspot.com/Medienzentrum Harburg: https://www.medienzentrum-harburg.de/Steeler's Personal Page and Projects today: https://ekkib.de/index_en.htmlPeople Make Games YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZB6V9fUov0Mx_us3MWWILgDemoscene Education Curricula Examples: https://www.graffathon.fi/2019/, https://www.echtzeitkultur.org/en/projects/pingala/Logo Programming Language for kids: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logo_(programming_language)Rest In Peace, Tron: https://demozoo.org/sceners/73824/; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKF4Yzl2o9I Donations: https://www.patreon.com/scenesat/postshttps://www.echtzeitkultur.org/en/donations-and-membership/ Credits: Hosts: Axel, Okkie and ZiphoidProducer: ShanaEditing, Jingles: lug00berCover Art: Critikill
#18 Themed music compos, IQ talks Shadertoy
#18 Themed music compos, IQ talks Shadertoy
We kick off this month with an audience question: Are themed music compos a net positive or net negative? Is there a loss of interest in music compos in general? After that, a discussion about demos using stock assets and commercial engines - is it worth it? Should it be shunned upon? Finally, the legend himself, IQ joins us to tell us the story and beginnings of Shadertoy, how he views the growth of the site and what makes it special, and retells some parts of his stellar career, how his beginnings in the scene allowed him to have it, and his views on the direction of the scene. Send us your questions, suggestions and voice messages to zineradioshow@scene.org Join the discussion on the Demoscene Discord server or our own. Links in the episode: "Da Clone" by Halcyon: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=2085"Death Room" by TPOLM: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=90275"DEMO2" by Ekspert: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=66096Cables: https://cables.gl/Shadertoy: https://www.shadertoy.com/Shader Toy v0.1: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=54180"Caffeinate" by P.Malin / Bitshifters Collective: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=90253NVScene 2015 Shadertoy Hackathon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjU3rO36zCsRevision 2020 Shader Jam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhH__Ge4s6QShadertoy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shadertoy"Atrium" by TBC & Loonies: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=50063"Fractal Chaos" by GENESiS: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=23945"195/95" by Plastic: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=16351Quill: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/5910229332328230/IQ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/iquilezles/ Episode credits: Hosts: Axel, Okkie and ZiphoidProduced by: GargajEditing, audio jingles, and engineering: GloomCover art: Critikill
#17 Running the gamut - with Ferris
#17 Running the gamut - with Ferris
The versatility of the scene can be overwhelming, but also a sprawling playground for those who want to experience more and more of the possibilities of it all, and none has done more sweeping work across many areas than Ferris, who joins us to talk about his beginnings, his motivation to oscillate between oldschool and newschool platforms, his struggle to give up artistic control, and his desire to look for the next challenge. Send us your questions, suggestions and voice messages to zineradioshow@scene.org Join the discussion on the Demoscene Discord server or our own. Links in the episode: Deadline 2021: https://deadline.untergrund.net/2021/"Muon Baryon" by Youth Uprising: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=53605NVScene 2008: https://nv.scene.org/2008/"Edge of Disgrace" by Booze Design: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=51983"Nu" by Elix: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=62927"Smash It" by Elix: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=64255GNU Rocket: https://rocket.github.io/Spindle 3.0: http://www.linusakesson.net/software/spindle/v3.php"Makeshift" by Logicoma: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=70972"Backscatter" by Logicoma: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=65966Ferris - "Poly" EP: https://open.spotify.com/album/6p7nHk0GaHcchsfhbYweWT"Wrecklamation" by Logicoma: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=75812"Overdrive" by Titan: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=61724"EON" by The Black Lotus: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=81094"Oldschool demos for people who don't like oldschool demos" list: https://www.pouet.net/lists.php?which=88Squishy 0.2.0: http://logicoma.io/squishy/.kkrunchy 0.23: http://www.farbrausch.de/~fg/kkrunchy/Ferris on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ferristweetsnow/ Episode credits: Hosts: Axel, Okkie and ZiphoidProduced by: GargajEditing, audio jingles, and engineering: GloomCover art: Critikill
#12 Parties, websites, Noby discusses demo direction
#12 Parties, websites, Noby discusses demo direction
The curve of vaccinations slowly gives us hope of crawling back to regular party season as we look at yet another wave of online parties, and a few potentially IRL ones as well; we also discuss the aging out of demoscene websites, some cool new projects and why it’s so hard to find people to help with such projects. Then, Noby joins the show to talk about what direction means in the demoscene, what principles one should follow, and why it matters in a demo. Send us your questions, suggestions and voice messages to zineradioshow@scene.org Join the discussion on the Demoscene Discord server or our own. Links in the episode: Outline 2021: https://outlinedemoparty.nl/Shadow Party 2021: http://shadow-party.org/Demonights 013: https://demonights.ch/en/blog/demonights-013-014/aSCIIaRENA: https://www.asciiarena.se/SceneSat: https://scenesat.com/Greets Graf: https://greetsgraf.jetlag.group/Scrolltexts: http://scrolltexts.com/"A Critical Look at the Demoscene": https://prismbeings.com/direction/"Zetsubo" by Prismbeings: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=75720"Waillee" by Prismbeings: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=71873"Eon" by The Black Lotus: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=81094"Emix" by Epoch: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=66066"Epoch (For The Masses)" by Epoch: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=76263"Absolute Territory" by Prismbeings: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=69642"Snell's Window" by Collapse: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=75736"Eidolon" by Poo-Brain: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=69669"A New World Awaits" by Peisik: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=88644"Lunatico" by LFT: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=68410"Uncensored" by Booze Design: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=64280 Episode credits: Hosts: Axel, Okkie & ZiphoidProduced by: GargajEditing, audio jingles, and engineering: GloomCover art: Critikill