Jeff Dardenne

My name is Jeff Dardenne and I want to show you how to find FREEDOM! I spent a lifetime failing at finding self worth and love. I searched desperatly for a feeling of completion in: windsurfing, mountainbiking, marriage, sailing, weight lifting, booze, drugs and so forth. All of which were a fail due to my own incompleteness as an individual. Even serving God was a fail as I learned I was only serving God to serve myself and make myself feel better. It was after a horrific car accident where my spine was almost severed and my hips and legs were crushed when I finally let God into my heart. I begged Him for death He began to show me how to be free. I made a vow that day to God that every breath that I take for the rest of my life will be in efforts to show others how to be free. Its easy when you know how. Let me show you how! read less
