What is Business English? The English you need in your professional life. Let’s talk about what you should focus on when it comes to talking business.
In this episode we discuss
- What business English is.
- The diverse contexts of business English.
- Some common grammar issues in business English.
- Some effective self-introduction techniques.
- The directness in professional introductions with the so-called “Elevator Pitch”.
- Some cool business Idioms and quiz Birgit on how well she knows them.
- A few cultural nuances in professional greetings.
In dieser Episode diskutieren wir:
- Was Business-Englisch ist.
- Die verschiedenen Kontexte des Business-Englisch.
- Einige häufige Grammatikprobleme im Business-Englisch.
- Einige effektive Techniken zur Selbstvorstellung.
- Die Direktheit in professionellen Vorstellungen mit dem sogenannten „Elevator Pitch“.
- Einige coole Business-Idiome und testen Birgit, wie gut sie diese kennt.
- Einige kulturelle Nuancen in professionellen Begrüßungen.