Harvey's Intervention Picnic, a NONSENSE PASSWORD trip.

Nonsense Password

20-05-2019 • 16 Min.

Harvey traps Silkworm into a picnic in order to witness to him. That is, to witness an overgrowth that isn't really a garden.

This NONSENSE PASSWORD trip is a very personal one for Special Character. It's about assumptions, and arguments, and premises, and being lied to by the lying liars who ruin our lives, poison all that is good, but also it's about the best and totally mature response to this awful situation.

This piece likely isn't for everyone, but those that it is for should feel lucky to find it.

I hope you enjoyed this experience of this evolving and experimental audiodrama, audiofiction, comedy, horror, drama, nonfiction, autobiographical, satirical, musical, political, scientific, artistic, whatever podcast. If not, please give me another chance!

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Check back here for weekly episodes and other special projects, and also check out nonsensepassword.com and the Nonsense Password YouTube channel because we're screwing around there, too.

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Website: nonsensepassword.com

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