Eradicator, ep 0, a NONSENSE Password trip.

Nonsense Password

08-04-2020 • 36 Min.

Eradicator, ep 0.

Jerry calls Joe for a late stop for Ron.

All production and performance by Special Character.


Thanks for listening to the Nonsense Password podcast which is available at the podcatcher of your choice: Podbean, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn, PlayerFM, ACast, Castbox, Podcast Addict, Amazon Alexa, iHeart Radio, Media Monkey, Himalaya, Radio Public, Castback, Luminary, and others.

The show exists in 3 parts.

The Weekly Show is timely, where Special Character talks about what's going on with himself and in the world. Art, music, movies, politics, day-to-day life, rants and ramblings. The older weekly shows will disappear after a little bit, so get it while it's hot. These drop on Sundays.

Waveplays, Nonsense Password trips that are like audio dramas only way more hip consister of both standalone pieces and miniseries.

Specials, the interviews, essays, and other stuff, will also stay present in the feed.

If you enjoyed the show, please like, rate, share, subscribe, or whatever it is you do to spread the word. Despite his best, and continuing, efforts, Special Character is terrible at advertising and desperately needs your help.

Nonsense Password merchandise and other designs by Special Character are available at RedBubble, in the Nonsense-PW store, and at TeeSpring, in the Nonsense Password store.

There is also Nonsense Password YouTube, Facebook page, Instagram, and now even a Soundcloud.

The official website is and you can email Special Character at

Good luck,

Twitter: @nonsensepasspod

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