What's the World Got in Store For New Zealand in 2050?

Indefensible New Zealand

06-06-2021 • 21 Min.

In this episode, Heather Roy questions Simon Ewing-Jarvie about what the world might look like in 2050 and what the national security implications for New Zealand are. There's also an interesting lead-in to a subsequent episode on veterans.

It's a quickfire tour of population projections, emerging economic powers, increased conflict involving non-state actors and private security forces. UN peace keeping donor fatigue and climate refugee numbers are discussed. New battle domains do not replace kinetic warfare according to the host but he is open about his concerns that the political leadership of the New Zealand Defence Force has not yet shown an understanding of the need to change radically enough for coming challenges.

Automation is introduced with the concepts of de-centralised command and control implying fewer personnel of higher rank and on the battlefield. Exo-skeletons, robotic soldier/partners, autonomous logistics systems are all mentioned.

Simon attacks the widely-held notion in government that there is no direct threat to New Zealand.