Living a Purposeful Life.
The United States criminal justice system has a huge responsibility to convict the guilty and clear the innocent. Yet, there are proximity 120,000 people in prison today that are innocent.
What we Cover:
Wrongfully Conviction
In this Interview, Mr. Jeffery DeskKoVic will share his incredible journey from wrongly convicted to an attorney to fighting for justice for the innocents.
He gives a detailed account of how he went from being a shy sixteen-year-old high schooler to being wrongfully convicted for the murder and rape of one of his fellow high school students.
While in his 16th year of a 15 to life sentence for murder and rape which he did not commit and 7 failed appeals. The advancement of DNA testing helps with identifying the actual perpetrator, which leads to his exoneration.
Making an Impact:
Since his exoneration, he has accomplished a large body of work:
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