Why Good, Vetted Curriculum Matters with Patrick Vennebush

180 Days Education

22-04-2021 • 48 Min.

Patrick Vennebush is the Chief Learning Officer for The Math Learning Center, where he oversees the areas of Educator Support, Educator Resources, and Development. Patrick shares his expertise in mathematics and developing a high-quality education curriculum. He talks about how professors and education experiences framed his outlook and trajectory for teaching - including his methods, his approach to learning and how teaching SHOULD be. This led him on the educational trajectory working for several educational companies that all have the same philosophy and approach to teaching.

Patrick talks in-depth about what a ‘good curriculum’ is and why it’s so important for teachers to have a good curriculum that “provides the impotence for great lessons even if it can’t provide everything that the teacher needs”. He discusses the team effort behind creating educational resources that are consistent and aligned and compares these to open-education resources. He shares ‘the joy, the wonder, and the beauty of mathematics” that comes from working hands-on with learning.

To learn more and for full show notes with links to resources mentioned, please visit 180days.education.

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