Creating Equitable Mathematics Achievement with Dr. Pamela Seda

180 Days Education

25-03-2021 • 58 Min.

Dr. Pamela Seda has been a math educator for over 30 years. She works as the K-12 Math Coordinator for Griffin/Spalding County Schools in Georgia. Dr. Seda is also the owner of Seda Educational Consulting.

Karen worked with Pam last summer on an Equity in Education Webinar, in partnership with Casio Education and TODOS Math for All, where Dr. Seda shared her “ICUCAREr” framework and talked about making mathematics a more equitable experience for all students to be successful, and thought it would be beneficial for you to have Dr. Seda join us and share more about her framework and her diverse teaching experiences that support equity in education.

The 7 parts of her I.C.U.C.A.R.E framework represent the seven principles for equity pedagogy:

  • Include others as experts
  • (be) Critically Conscious
  • Understand your students well
  • (use) Culturally relevant curricula
  • Assess, Active and build on prior knowledge
  • Release control
  • Expect more

Dr. Seda explores each of the 7 principles in-depth with us and shares both examples and stories of how these principles promote the learning and teaching of mathematics from an equitable approach.

Some of the themes that emerged in our conversation were understanding your students, allowing students to be ‘experts’, and building an environment so that students are free to learn on their own and discover mathematics.

To learn more about Dr. Seda and for full show notes, including links to all the resources mentioned in the episode please visit

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