Being Culturally Responsive in Education with Ken Shelton

180 Days Education

13-02-2021 • 49 Min.

In this episode of 180 Days, Ken Shelton shares his expertise and experiences on creating culturally responsive learning experiences and really exploring prejudices and biases in the classroom.

Ken is an educator with over 20 years of experience, with a specialization in Educational Technology. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator and a Google Certified Innovator as well as the ISTE Digital Equity PLN 2018 Excellence Award winner. Ken leads educational workshops that focus on a wide variety of topics, including Educational Technology, equity, inclusion, Multimedia Literacy, Cultural Relevance, Visual Storytelling and Instructional Design.

Links to resources that were mentioned during the interview:

  1. Ken’s website
  2. Ken’s Twitter
  3. The show 90210
  4. Freakonomics (Steven Levitt)
  5. Whistling Vivaldi (Dr. Claude Steele)
  6. The Dunning-Kruger Effect

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