Using Your Website to Explode the Limits of Your Studio

Key Ideas

21-10-2022 • 21 Min.

Episode #56 is the second SOLO spotlight episode with special guest host Janna Carlson.

If you missed her first one you MUST Head to #54 to hear her first spotlight episode. You’ll learn the two reasons why Key Ideas now includes spotlight episodes and it sheds light on why Janna speaks with such authority when it comes to piano teaching, online lessons, and websites.

In this episode, Janna gets specific and shares how you can use your website to bring more freedom to your life as a music teacher. Yes, freedom!

Janna’s four tips will also support you if you simply want to grow your studio to the next level.

Find links to the resources Janna mentioned and learn more about her course

by following THIS LINK to the show notes.

Enrollment opens October 26, 2022 - make sure to grab your spot!