"I can always tell when the mother in law's coming to stay; the mice throw themselves on the traps."

Quip & Quirk

17-08-2024 • 55 Sek.

"I can always tell when the mother in law's coming to stay; the mice throw themselves on the traps."

Les Dawson was a British comedian, known for his deadpan humor, witty monologues, and offbeat style of comedy. He often portrayed a dour, grumpy persona and was famous for his skill in playing the piano deliberately badly for comedic effect. Dawson became a beloved figure on British television, hosting shows like Blankety Blank and The Les Dawson Show during the 1970s and 1980s.

🎙️ 🤣Quip & Quirk: Revelations in Raillery and Rhetoric 📚✒️

Greetings, fellow seekers of the whimsical and the witty! You've tuned into 'Quip & Quirk,' the enchanting auditory excursion into the kaleidoscopic realm of jest, jive, and jocularity. Here, we meander through the labyrinthine alleys of wordplay, humor, and the deliciously ironic, guided by the luminous minds of famed folks from a mosaic of disciplines.

Embark with us on this fanciful odyssey to unearth the sparkling quips, chuckle-worthy tales, and mind-bending conundrums that have woven the tapestry of renown for our iconic subjects. For aficionados of linguistic gymnastics, lovers of the laughable, and connoisseurs of life's unexpected twists.

'Quip & Quirk' promises to be your sanctum of mirth and enlightenment, a daily haven where laughter meets profundity. 🌟🎭✨

Now hilariously available for your reading pleasure as an eBook as Part 1 (https://amzn.to/3XfcJ6r) and Part 2 (https://amzn.to/3AVRnlk). 😂📚📖

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