The International Office is known for organizing your stay abroad and helping you out with all the question that come along with it. However, we also offer various additional services such as the German courses. Today we want to present you the different course offers we have in store as well as discuss you experiences with learning German as a foreign language. Therefore we talked to students and international colleagues here at the International Office!
Intro: 00:17
Course offers: 00:57
Experiences from students: 03:12
Experiences from colleagues: 06:23
International Office:
Preparatory German course:
Intensive and extensive German course:
Other language course offers:
Do you have any questions or feedback? Feel free to contact us via social media or e-mail! / Ihr habt Fragen oder Feedback? Dann schreibt uns gerne über Social Media oder E-Mail!
Instagram/Facebook: @unistuttgartinternational
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