D.A.R.E. Episode 2: Chizzy Akudolu on "How Positive Mindsets and Mental Health are Keys for Success"

The D.A.R.E. Podcast (a #successfulmindset podcast) with Host Prof Miranda K. Brawn

25-01-2024 • 30 Min.

Chizzy Akudolu, an award-winning popular British actress, writer, producer,
comedienne and TV personality who has been delighting us for over 20 years on
stage and screen. Also, a celebrity ambassador for TMBDLF.com.

Listen to this episode to learn more about the following and so much more:

(i) How to exercise positive thinking and having a positive mindset when facing challenges
(ii) How to thrive within show business with resilience, taking risks and having a thick skin
(iii) The important of mental health and addressing challenges e.g. depression and men with mental illness
(iv) Diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry including the rise of black talent
(v)Tips to have a "fabulous" mindset and to stay young
(vi) How to manage a portfolio career a.k.a. having many strings to your bow with networking tips

This episode is sponsored by Footesteps Foundation

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