How She Delivered

MVP: Madam Vice President

17-11-2020 • 36 Min.

First Quarter:

306-232 was Trump-Hillary & Biden-Trump; MM has seen a lot of hot takes about how “close” this election was, but the media was calling it a blowout in 2016. By their standard, it is blowout now with the popular vote differential is currently over 5.6 million

Second Quarter:

Joe Biden promised an administration that would “look like America” & he has so far delivered with 46% of Biden-Harris transition team are people of color and 41% of senior staff are BIPOC, 52% of transition staff are women, and 53% of senior staff are women

Third Quarter:

Mitali Modi: you can’t fight for what you don’t understand which is why representation is so important (no substitute for lived experiences & a seat at the table)

Fourth Quarter:

Do not go to Georgia.

Let Black women from Georgia lead. splits donations between FairFight/Warnock/Ossoff