212: How to Experience More Purpose and Passion Each Day with Passion Struck Author John Miles

The Light Watkins Show

12-06-2024 • 1 Std. 31 Min.

In this episode of The Light Watkins Show, Light Watkins engages in a compelling conversation with John Miles, a former US Naval officer and Fortune 50 senior executive who has successfully pivoted to become the host of the acclaimed Passion Struck podcast. John is also the author of the self-help book Passion Struck, where he explores themes of personal transformation and discovering one's true purpose.

The episode begins with a look into John's early life, including a significant accident in his childhood that led to cognitive challenges and a speech impediment. John discusses how running cross country in high school helped him tap into the flow state and develop perseverance.

The conversation delves into John's time at the Naval Academy, where he navigated a major cheating scandal that tested his values and shaped his understanding of leadership and integrity. John also shares insights from his corporate career, revealing how his experiences led to a spiritual awakening and a critical moment that made him reconsider his life's direction.

A key highlight of this episode is John's recounting of his transition from the corporate world to starting the Passion Struck podcast. He describes how the podcast grew from zero to millions of downloads, offering listeners practical advice on building a successful podcast and living a life of intentionality. John explains the principles from his book, providing actionable steps for overcoming obstacles and achieving personal and professional fulfillment.

This episode promises a wealth of knowledge and inspiration, especially for those feeling stuck in their careers or contemplating new ventures. John's story demonstrates the power of self-leadership, resilience, and the pursuit of purpose.

Listeners will leave with motivation and practical strategies to embrace their own paths and ignite their most intentional lives. Tune in to hear John Miles' extraordinary journey and discover how to apply his insights to your own life.

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