2021 Legislative Changes to Nevada's Workers' Compensation Laws

GGRM Law Firm "You Matter To Us" Podcast

01-09-2021 • 45 Min.

It's that time again! Time to discuss the changes that happened to the Nevada Industrial Insurance Act and Nevada Occupational Disease Act as a result of the bills that made it to the Governor's desk during Nevada's 81st Legislative Session.

We'll discuss AB 400, SB 295, and SB 289 with Jason D. Mills, Esq. partner at GGRM Law Firm.

We'll go over the great news in SB 295 which was authored by Senate Majority Leader Cannizzaro and lobbied by the Professional Firefighters of Nevada (PFFN) and GGRM's very own, Jason Mills, which revises provisions relating to industrial insurance that affect first responder's heart/lung/hepatitis Permanent Total Disability (PTD) monthly benefits.

As of October 1, 2021, any police officer, firefighter, or arson investigator that is receiving Permanent Total Disability (PTD) benefits due to heart disease, lung disease or hepatitis, will be able to engage in non-police, non-fire, non-arson investigating employment and not have to worry about their Permanent Total Disability benefits being reduced or offset.

For any PTD recipients who were also retired out based on an early Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) medical discharge, it is essential to continue to get clearance with the PERS before engaging in any gainful employment so as not to impact your PERS pension benefits.