Regenerative Cultures, with Daniel Christian Wahl

Inside Ideas with Marc Buckley

01-08-2023 • 1 Std. 56 Min.

Daniel Christian Wahl is my guest on Episode 177 of Inside Ideas with Marc Buckley. Daniel Christian Wahl is one of the catalysts of the rising reGeneration and the author of Designing Regenerative Cultures - so far translated into seven languages. He works as a consultant, educator and activist with NGOs, businesses, governments and global change agents. With degrees in biology and holistic science, and a PhD in Design for Human and Planetary Health, his work has influenced the emerging fields of regenerative design and salutogenic design. Winner of the 2021 RSA Bicentenary Medal for applying design in service to society. Awarded a two year Volans-Fellowship in 2022. Daniel Christian Wahl holds degrees in Biology (BSc. Hons., Univ. of Edinburgh, 1996), HolisticScience (MSc., Schumacher College, 2002), and a Ph.D. in Design (Univ. of Dundee 2006) on 'Design for Human and Planetary Health. Daniel lives in Mallorca where he helped to set up SMART UIB and works locally and internationally as a consultant, educator, and activist. Among his clients have been Ecover, Forum for the Future, Camper, and Balears.t, Save the Med, Lush, UNITAR, UK Foresight, Cloudburst Foundation, and many universities and NGOs. He has been on the academic working group of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) and has been linked to GEN for almost 20 years. Daniel has worked closely with Gaia Education since 2007 and contributed to the development of their Design for Sustainability online course and co-authored the current versions of all four dimensions of the curriculum. He also wrote the content and developed the concept of Gaia Education's SDGs Flashcards which with the support of UNESCO are now translated into 7 languages. His 2016 book 'Designing Regenerative Cultures' has helped to define the field of regenerative design and has been translated into 8 languages so far. In 2021 the Royal Society for Arts, Manufacture, and Commerce - founded in 1754 - awarded Daniel with the Bicentenary Medal for "an outstanding and demonstrable contribution, through ... design practice, towards an equitable and regenerative world." He has been awarded a Volans Fellowship for 2022 and 2023 by John Elkington in support of past and ongoing work. Daniel trained as a biologist and holds degrees in Biology (BSc. Hons., Univ. of Edinburgh), Holistic Science (MSc., Schumacher College), and Natural Design (PhD., Univ. of Dundee). He was the director of Findhorn College from 2007 to 2010, is a member of the International Futures Forum and H3Uni, an advocation partner of r3.0, and on the advisory councils of Ecosystems Restoration Camps, Commonland, the Ojai Foundation, Future Planet Europe, the Centre for the Future and the Overview Institute of Australia, as well as a Findhorn Foundation Fellow. Daniel teaches regularly on the MA in Ecological Design Thinking at Schumacher College. Daniel's 2016 book 'Designing Regenerative Cultures' has quickly gained international acclaim, his Blog on Medium is followed by over 20,000 people and his social media advocacy has a combined audience of over 450,000 people around the world.

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