The Darla Simone Experience

Darla Simone

Hey Real People! During the pandemic death hit my family hard! I will never be same! I don’t view life as I once did. I am back with a vengeance! I am rebranding Black Sistah Podcast. Its new name is now, The Darla Simone Experience. I hope to continue to inform, encourage, and inspire you as I navigate my life after a recent tragedy and in my new career as a new real estate agent. Join my family of real people on my podcast, Facebook and Instagram. Thank You for your prayers and loyalty. I appreciate each one of you, Darla Simone read less
Gesellschaft & KulturGesellschaft & Kultur


My Purpose, Vision, and Mission
My Purpose, Vision, and Mission
On this episode I need to hear from you.  Please leave your comments on my social media pages listed below. You feedback is important to me.   Thank you and I appreciate each of you.  My purpose: Is to inspire (encourage) to stir up what’s in youTo liberate (free or release) from the imprisonment of your mind To empower (authorize, permit, or certify) you through Christ Jesus to live your best life.  Vision:   It is my intention to impart approaches to revolutionize your mindset from average to above average.  Mission:  I plan to achieve the vison by reaching individuals through my podcast, by forming a group of like-minded people on Facebook and other social media platforms, zoom workshops, and events.Here is a list of themes and topics that you might be interested in.  Please visit my social media platforms and tell me your interest.  In addition, tell me if any of my past episodes have helped or inspired you.   ·      Self-Help·      Mindset Motivation·      Relationships·      Current Events·      Love and Relationships ·      How to attain your dreams·      How to Live Successfully·      How to Live debt free life ·      How to achieve Financial Freedom·      How to Change Your Mindset·      How to Put Christ First·      How to Build Up Your Self-Worth and Self-Esteem·      Do you want more guest host?·      Do you want the shows to be longer shorter?·      Do you enjoy the dramatizations?·      Do you prefer a YouTube video channel along with the podcast?  ·      Would you join a Facebook Group based on this Podcast with positive like-minded individuals?·      Have you enjoyed the Darla Simone Experience thus far? ·      Would you attend Zoom workshops on Self-Help Topics for a monetary fee? Please Send me an email on www.darlasimone.comVisit me on Facebook at The Darla Simone ExperienceVisit me on Instagram at The Real Darla Simone Visit me on Tik Tok at The Darla Simone Experience Podcast Thank You!
Know Your Worth and Lose That Potential Man
Know Your Worth and Lose That Potential Man
Series:  Stand Guard at the Door of Your HeartEpisode 9:  Know Your Worth and Lose That Potential ManSingle ladies know your worth and change the narrative.  Stop dating men with potential.  Dating a man with unrealized ability is a waste of time.  Ladies realize your value, invest in you, and patiently get to know yourself.  Don’t get anxious and settle for less than what God has in store for you.   Your heart is the core of your very existence.  It needs your protection.  If your heart is happy or sad it will affect your life.  It is important to guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life (King James Bible 4:23). Definitions: Intentional: Deliberate, planned, purpose, meantPotential:  Unrealized ability,  Probable, prospective, possibleScriptures:      God is intentionalJeremiah 1:5“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”Psalms 139:13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Romans 8:28And we know that for those who love Gog all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.Philippians 4:19And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Please leave a review or rating. Visit me on Tiktok, Instagram, FB or Thank you for subscribing to my podcast.
What To Do When You Can't Find Love And You Desire It
What To Do When You Can't Find Love And You Desire It
This is an episode from the Stand Guard At The Door of You Heart series.  Are you single and ready to mingle?Do you look at Online dating Apps and or go night clubs in hopes to meet and find the love of your dreams?Are you feeling social oddness because you are a single female, and a man is hard to find?Or do you fee unlovable?Do you feel like love is weak?Do you feel your life is without purpose because you have not found the love of your life?Join me as share my story.  I hope to inspire you to change your mindset as mind was changed.Biblical Scriptures:   Mark 12:30-31 NIV – The Greatest Commandment“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.   31. The second is this:  Love our neighbor as yourself; There is no commandment greater than these”. 1 John 4:8 “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love”. (NKJV: New King James Version)  1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 NIV (New International Version) “Love is patient, love is kind t does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres”.  Leave a comment, rating, or review.  I would love to mention your name on the next episode.  Follow me on, Instagram @therealdarlasimone, and FB: The Darla Simone Experience,
The Lord is My Shepherd Dramatization
The Lord is My Shepherd Dramatization
Welcome Back everyone!   I am dedicating this episode, The Lord is My Shepherd, to my beautiful mother, Lady Audrey.  I will share an audible dramatization of my intricate thoughts and the emotions, I experienced during my mom’s journey home to be with Jesus.  I have never before experienced grief in this capacity.  I still have have screaming outbreaks and break-downs. The whole ordeal was and is traumatic.   Grief is dark and the pain can be unbearable at times. The process is slow and lonely.  Nevertheless, God’s words are comforting and reassuring.   I wanted to share my experience while in the valley of the shadow of death with real people, like you, who may be  in the same situation.  Grief is painful, no one talks about it. It’s almost taboo. Many of us have lost loved ones during the past two-years and we need a place to express ourselves or at least know someone else is going through the same craziness.  The pain of losing my mom has altered something in me. Her departure is my constant daily thought.  It’s only been 7-months and I still anticipate her return.  Although, I believe God’s words and I know that she is alive on the other side, healed, happy, resting, and waiting for me to get there. I must go through the grief process in this dark valley of separation from the woman, I honored and treasured my whole life. However, I know God is with me.    I hope you fined contentment from this podcast dramatization and know that’s it’s okay to feel, and go through the crazy emotional journey.  Please leave a comment.  Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or my website:  www.darlasimone.comThank you, Darla.