Prepare for Battle and Guard Your Heart

The Darla Simone Experience

12-01-2022 • 21 Min.

This episode is the foundation for my upcoming series, Stand Guard at The Door of Your Heart.  Everything you do arises from your heart.   Your heart is precious to God and a threat to the enemy; therefore, you must guard it with the tools Christ has equipped us with.  Note:  The prelude is a dramatization

Many of you enjoyed Season-one episode-9, Don't Be a Damaged Good Anymore.  The new series will include topics of the heart especially for single women.   Tune-in and I will give more information at the end of this episode about our upcoming series and topics.

Scripture:   Proverbs 4:23
Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life (KJV).
Above all else, guard your heart for everything you do flows from it (NIV).

Vocabulary Definitions:
Keep:  hold, preserve, refrain, defend, guard, sustain, carry
Heart:  core, center, character, nature, life, feeling, disposition
Diligence:  Patience, attention effort, perseverance, persistence
Issues:  Consequence, result, effect, end, event, outcome, conclusion
Life:  Existence, experience, behavior, conduct, demeanor, manner
Valuable:  Powerful, precious

Proverbs 4:23 rephrased:
1. Guard you core with persistence for out of it are the results of your behavior.
2. Defend your life with perseverance for out of it are the consequences of your experiences.

Ephesians 6:11; Put on the Whole Armor of God.

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