My Purpose, Vision, and Mission

The Darla Simone Experience

03-03-2022 • 9 Min.

On this episode I need to hear from you.  Please leave your comments on my social media pages listed below. You feedback is important to me.   Thank you and I appreciate each of you.

My purpose:
Is to inspire (encourage) to stir up what’s in youTo liberate (free or release) from the imprisonment of your mind To empower (authorize, permit, or certify) you through Christ Jesus to live your best life.

It is my intention to impart approaches to revolutionize your mindset from average to above average.

Mission:  I plan to achieve the vison by reaching individuals through my podcast, by forming a group of like-minded people on Facebook and other social media platforms, zoom workshops, and events.

Here is a list of themes and topics that you might be interested in.  Please visit my social media platforms and tell me your interest.  In addition, tell me if any of my past episodes have helped or inspired you.

·      Self-Help

·      Mindset Motivation

·      Relationships

·      Current Events

·      Love and Relationships

·      How to attain your dreams

·      How to Live Successfully

·      How to Live debt free life

·      How to achieve Financial Freedom

·      How to Change Your Mindset

·      How to Put Christ First

·      How to Build Up Your Self-Worth and Self-Esteem

·      Do you want more guest host?

·      Do you want the shows to be longer shorter?

·      Do you enjoy the dramatizations?

·      Do you prefer a YouTube video channel along with the podcast?

·      Would you join a Facebook Group based on this Podcast with positive like-minded individuals?

·      Have you enjoyed the Darla Simone Experience thus far?

·      Would you attend Zoom workshops on Self-Help Topics for a monetary fee?

Please Send me an email on

Visit me on Facebook at The Darla Simone Experience

Visit me on Instagram at The Real Darla Simone

Visit me on Tik Tok at The Darla Simone Experience Podcast

Thank You!

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