Red Forest Radiogram #2: Transformative Poetics

Nomadic Cosmologies and Fugitive Power – Red Forest Radiograms

25-07-2022 • 1 Std. 47 Min.

Pressures of war, disease, and extraction are changing the world. Lucretius’ poem from 1st Century BC combines such recognisably contemporary faultlines with a philosophy of transformation and shifting social relations. In Lucretius philosophy, matter makes new forms and these new forms are Nature generating itself. The world is an interplay of transformations. Lucretius’ Nature invites us to hold space for the potentiality of flourishing, rather than delimit change through extraction. Ways of worlding are made, but not only by ‘managing humans’ but through all the mattering processes that turn potentialities into actuality – as these are forms of care. Produced by Red Forest for Goethe-Institut Mailand.

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