Making Renewables Circular – Recycling green energy hardware in Germany

INTO GERMANY! The German Business Podcast

vor 4 Tagen • 29 Min.

Germany is setting record upon record for renewable electricity, but the hardware used to generate that energy is not built for the ages. What to do with all the outdated and decommissioned equipment? We talk to an innovative French company that’s brought its solutions to Germany and to a German industry association that aims to convert the wind energy sector into a circular economy.   Our Guests:  Markus Krausewitz is the German site and ramp up manager for ROSI, a French company specialized in the recycling of PV modules. ROSI – an acronym for Return on Silicon – is currently building its first German plant in the eastern regional state of Saxony. Annette Nüsslein is founding and board member of RDRWind, a German association dealing with repowering, dismantling and recycling wind turbines. It was established in 2018 to develop standards and norms for the recycling process.