73: Influencers are Narcissists

was that TMI?

26-09-2024 • 55 Min.

Narcissist - a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.

Hi everyone, good to see you a week later for the first time IN FOREVER.

This week i'm trusting you as my therapist. What I mean by this is, I'm yapping my a$$ off and expect you all to listen. You know why? Cause I'm a motha fkcn narcissist (self diagnosed btw). Intrested in becoming an influencer? You better put on your narcissistic pants and buckle up b*tch bc you gotta have it in you to do it.

Also covered in the episode: a fight between my mom and I, hormones, entertaining red flags, hurricane hitting my house, letting go of filler friends.

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