GLJ Special: Border Justice: Migration and Accountability for Human Rights Violations – Short version (GLJ 21:3)

German Law Journal: GLJ Shorts and GLJ Specials

04-10-2020 • 15 Min.

In this GLJ Special, Cathryn Costello and Itamar Mann present their Special Issue "Border Justice: Migration and Accountability for Human Rights Violations" which appeared in April 2020 in GLJ 21:3. GLJ editor Nora Markard is the host, editing by Marlene Stiller. An uncut version of this conversation is also available on this podcast. The Special Issue brings together fifteen high-profile experts to examine avenues for accountability for human rights violations in the migration control context. The articles explore the promise and limits of strategic human rights limitations; the role of both international criminal law, and domestic (and regional) tort law in securing accountability; the turn to positive obligations to challenge entrenched features of containment; and the role of direct action in support of and solidarity with those challenging migration controls most directly, refugees and migrants themselves. In their conversation with GLJ editor Nora Markard, Cathryn Costello and Itamar Mann discuss their motivation for putting together this Special Issue, the difficulties and insights gained during the process, the key findings, and the challenges lying ahead.

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