2.44 The Gathering Part 1

Gargoyles Gang Podcast

21-03-2023 • 49 Min.

One of our favorite Gargoyle Gang Members, Ernesto Bueno Gathers round to chum it up about the third race, white russians, and how much Frasier sucks!

For all you early birds to this episode, apologies for the poor audio. The third race messed with our recording again! It was definitely NOT Mike getting lazy. Damn you  Oberon!! And if you never caught it then maybe it never happened. Double damn you Oberon!!

Portland based comedian and musician duo Jay Flewelling and Michael Langman proudly present The Gargoyles Gang Podcast. This brand new podcast is one gigantic and nostalgic nod to the classic after school animated show Gargoyles. Join us on this epic journey back to the 1990’s as we delve deep into each episode with hilarious commentary,  sharp insight, and just plain love for this long lost but never forgotten series.

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