Q BERLIN 2022 [English]

Berlin Unboxed

07-12-2022 • 26 Min.

The Metropolitan Conference for the immediate present

Almost everyone senses that something is changing on our planet and in our society. But the more we look into it, the clearer it becomes how complex the connections are and how challenging the search for solutions has become. In this episode of Berlin Unboxed, we report on this year’s edition of the conference Q BERLIN, titled „The New Unknown – Navigating Zeitenwende“. Profound shifts in global dynamics, an ongoing war in Europe, a pandemic spanning more than two years, a looming energy and economic crisis and increasing pressure to accelerate the green transition – all contribute to the state of crisis that defines the world we live in now. This is a historical turning point, and global metropolises - like Berlin - are at the heart of the issue.


  • Franziska Giffey, Governing Mayor of Berlin and host of Q BERLIN 2022
  • Burkhard Kieker, visitBerlin CEO and Director of Q BERLIN
  • Lutz Henke, Cultural Officer at visitBerlin and Co-Director of Q Berlin
  • As well as live footage and interviews from the conference

Useful links:

Team & Credits:

  • Concept: Josefine Köhn-Haskins
  • Collaboration for this episode with: Anja Seugling, Maike Kästner
  • Moderation & Production: Michael Kümritz, Audio4Future
  • visitBerlin Co-Host: Burkhard Kieker und Lutz Henke

Intro, outro and transitions: Kids of the Ironic Age

Photo: Mike Auerbach

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