177. Lennart Hennig - Growth, sustain and decay cycle of life, boundaries and interaction and neurodiversity as adaptive

World of Wisdom

11-05-2023 • 1 Std. 14 Min.

Lennart Hennig (LinkedIn) founder of the Institute for collective development and co-founder of Alma de Solo visited the podcast. We talk about regeneration of the land. The cycle of life as growth, sustenance and decay and how our current moment is so enamoured with the growth part, to the detriment to everything around us. We speak of attention and how it is such an important variable, and how the current epidemic of mental health crisis could be more than just a crisis, perhaps there are adaptive aspects to it given the society we live in? We speak about the energy of helping and fixing and we speak about diversity. To connect with Lennart and to support his work visit the links above. Enjoy! Host: Amit Paul

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