237. Ida Faldbakken - Gatherings, being of service and co-creation

World of Wisdom

08-09-2024 • 1 Std. 6 Min.

Ida Faldbakken (⁠LinkedIn⁠), CEO of KatapultX and co-founder of ⁠Katapult Future Fest⁠, and I had a deep inquiry into what it is to gather, what it's for and what it means to not waste peoples time. We also spoke about what it takes to break our habits, like what if the people on stage are there to propagate the conversation off stage, what if these contexts do not have to scale in themselves and can still continue to scale their impact in the world, what does it mean to work at the peak of ones capacity - what does it mean to stop when we're not at capacity? This is a rich conversation about our current challenges seen through the lens of gatherings. Enjoy!

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