Reconsidering Your Book Publicity and Marketing Strategies: When to do What and How Much – with Sarah Russo

Klopotek Publishing Radio

03-10-2022 • 35 Min.

**Who You will Hear**

Guest: Sarah Russo (Founder of Page One Media)

Co-host: Luna Tang (Cloud Service Delivery Manager at Klopotek)

Co-host: Dwayne Parris (Senior Consultant at Klopotek)

For many authors and independent publishers, book publicity and marketing is always a huge arena hard to measure and predict: whether to hire a publicist for a forthcoming book, how much to invest, and what the return can be expected.

In this episode, Sarah Russo, founder of Page One Media, joins us and answers a few critical FAQs from authors and independent publishers regarding book publicity and marketing strategies.

Sarah talks about the work scope of a (freelance) book publicist, the timeline of a complete book publicity campaign, the collaboration between author, publisher, and book publicist, as well as how the emerging new media has been impacting how books get promoted and creating more opportunities for book selling.

You can learn more about book publicity and services from the website of Page One Media. Its blog section also offers a lot of valuable advice for authors and independent publishers.

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