3 AI Game-Changers for Online Entrepreneurs

Sidekick COO

Apr 6 2023 • 20 mins

Let's take a fun journey through some fun and interesting AI tools that could change your business! We'll also cover some AI news about Searchie's up-and-coming features.

00:00 Introduction
00:13 beautiful.ai makes creating presentations incredibly easy - and beautiful!
04:40 AdCreative.ai creates great social media content with about a hundred options in seconds 09:02 AutoDraw from Google converts your squiggles into nice looking drawings
10:25 Noty.ai transcribes your Zoom calls, summarizes them for you, pulls out all of the action items, and even lets you create notes to yourself on the fly
17:20 Otter.ai doesn't seem to have many AI features...
17:57 Exciting new developments over at Searchie
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